Thursday, March 5, 2020

How Movies Misrepresent Introverts - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How Movies Misrepresent Introverts - Introvert Whisperer How Movies Misrepresent Introverts Kayla Matthews March 13, 2019 Emotional Intelligence No responses Go to top We hear categorizations such as introvert and extrovert all the time. Sometimes youll even hear the phrase ambivert thrown in there, which is someone who displays both introverted and extroverted characteristics. Popular culture would have us believe everyones personality fits into one of these tidy little boxes, and were supposed to think the depictions of these individuals on the big and small screen are accurate. Ill let you in on a little secret â€" theyre not. Extroverts in popular culture are larger than life, always pictured as the center of attention and the person everyone wants to talk to at a party. Introverts, on the other hand, almost always get relegated to the wallflower position â€" the person who hides in the corner with a book or sketchbook in hand, making friends with the neighbors pets or potted plants. Why shouldnt you rely on movies for accurate introvert representation? The Introvert Portrayal Think of your favorite movie or television show. Which characters come across as extroverted, and which appear to be more introverted? Extroverts are the characters that have all the friends and are always the center of attention. They may even be the protagonist of the show. The introvert, on the other hand, can be the main character, but may find themselves deferring to the extroverted supporting cast. They dont talk in public if they can help it, and only open up to close friends. Theyre more likely to go with the flow, and if theres a party scene, theyre almost always on the outskirts, talking to the dog or cat of the house. Heres one example in popular culture: Daenerys Targaryen, the mother of dragons, is an introvert. Shes quiet and reserved until she has a reason not to be, is very independent â€" especially once she becomes khaleesi â€" but doesnt make a spectacle of herself. She gets the job done in the best way she knows how. Her brother, Viserys, is a textbook extrovert. Hes overblown, loud, demands all the attention and hates it when things dont go his way. The Real Introvert The real introvert isnt anything like the characters portrayed in television and movies. Whats correct, and what isnt? Myth: Introverts dont have any friends. An introvert might have a huge social circle, but they are very selective in who they choose to call a friend. Truth: Introverts prefer time to themselves. Social environments are often exhausting for introverts, especially ones with large crowds. Myth: Introverts escape from parties and write poetry on the bathroom walls. Truth: Introverts might escape from parties and write poetry, but few of them do it on bathroom walls. (Thats what notebooks are for!) Myth: Introverts dont talk to anyone. Truth: Introverts are naturally reserved. Rather than speaking over someone, like extroverts are prone to do, theyll stay quiet until they feel they have something of value to add to the conversation. Many prefer writing over talking, which is why you may have better success texting them, instead of calling. Myth: If you invite an introvert anywhere, theyll say no. Truth: Social interactions are exhausting for introverts, so they may decline an invitation to a huge party or an event where there will be a large crowd of people. Theyll also need time to recharge afterward. Where to Find Accurate Representation Where can you find accurate introvert representation in popular culture? The Introverts Web Series is a comedy series that focuses on introverted characters. The creator and her team are primarily introspective, and found they couldnt relate to women in pop culture because theyre all portrayed as extroverted. Most of the cast of the TV series Bones is introverted â€" each works well alone and has their specialty, but can collaborate with the rest of the team when necessary. I love this show because it also demonstrates how an introverts tendencies can complement an extroverts boldness â€" Booth and Bones are two sides of the same coin, with Booth being an almost textbook extrovert. Sherlock in BBCs titular show may appear to be extroverted, but hes an excellent example of a social introvert, and one of my favorites. Hes brash and bold, outspoken when its necessary and presents his thoughts in an unbiased manner. He only has one close friend â€" Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective.  But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will? If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote. Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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